Re-imagine the University

Subject: Invitation to ‘Reimagine the University’ – 24-26th November
The ‘Really Open University’ are coordinating a three-day event in Leeds entitled ‘Reimagine the University’, from the 24-26th Nov.
Workshops include: ‘Off with the REF!’ ‘Counter Mapping’ ‘University of Utopia’ ‘Students as Producers’ and ‘Popular Education workshop with Trapese’.

The ROU understands that the purpose of the university has predominately been to reproduce an elite, and increasingly to ‘train docile workers to perform functions within a
capitalist system, to contribute to the enrichment of the few rather than the collective social improvement of all’.
The purpose of the event is therefore to collectively move debate beyond reactionary responses to the cuts, to think about how we can transform the university rather than
defend it.

To this end, the ROU has also produced three ‘alternative reforms’ that look to open a different future for higher education:

>From the 24th – 26th November, the Really Open University is hosting a series of events aimed at the Reimagination of the University.

All the events have been organized autonomously by students and staff from across the higher education institutions of Leeds. They look to challenge the state of the universities, their role in society, and the capitalist crisis, whilst acting on their desire to create a different world.

Starting with the national walkout on the 24th, a series of workshops, lectures, events and ‘interventions’ are going to be happening across Leeds – at the Music and Art
Colleges, the MET, and the University of Leeds.

We don’t want to defend the university – we want to transform it!

Home page:
Download Programme of events:
Twitter: reallyopenuni

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