University World News racconta dell’organizzazione del Global Research Council: “Last month [May 2012] 47 leaders of research funding agencies from 44 countries met at the headquarters of the National Science Foundation in Arlington, US, for a two-day summit of the newly minted Global Research Council. The goal was to devise ways to reduce differences in scientific collaboration across borders and to establish stricter guidelines for supporting research based on merit – all in the context of shrinking funds for academic research.” – leggi il resto dell’articolo qui.
Anche nello spazio Europeo il finanziamento alla ricerca è – ovviamente – tema di dibattiti: “EUA president Prof. Maria Helena Nazaré calls upon European governments to live up to their promise of “securing the highest possible level of public funding for higher education”. Bologna has been a success, but much more has to be done on mobility and study success, Nazaré argues.” – l’intero articolo su Science Guide.